Messaging platform WhatsApp banned more than 76 lakh accounts in India in February this year. Every month, the Meta-owned platform releases in its special report the number of accounts about which it receives complaints and also those which the platform permanently bans for one reason or the other. WhatsApp has said in its latest report that it has banned more than 14.24 lakh accounts ‘proactively’, which means that these accounts were blocked even before any report of policy violation was received from any user. Was.

In compliance with information technology Ongoing WhatsApp was updated monthly Report The platform says it banned 7,628,000 accounts between February 1 and February 29 this year. According to the messaging platform, these were accounts that were registered with phone numbers with the +91 international prefix. WhatsApp says it actively banned 1,424,000 of the more than 76 lakh accounts in February without any user complaints. These were the accounts which were violating the company’s policies. While WhatsApp allows users to report accounts, the platform also employs an on-platform abuse detection system that can proactively detect policy violations.

As per the existing rules, WhatsApp receives complaints from users through email sent to and through mail sent to India Grievance Officer by post.

In November last year, WhatsApp had banned about 71,96,000 accounts. The company banned about 19,54,000 of these accounts without receiving any report of policy violation from the user. Every month, the platform bans thousands to lakhs of accounts in this manner. Chuvani era is going on in India, due to which these steps become more important.

Apart from this, let us tell you that WhatsApp had introduced the chat lock feature last year to improve security and privacy protection, after which now the social media giant is reportedly trying to extend the chat lock function to linked devices. . It is being said that the upcoming update of WhatsApp will bring the feature for linked devices. This update has been seen in Android beta v2.24.8.4 of WhatsApp.

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