The West Asian country Israel (Isreal Gaza war) has been at war for the last several months. He has waged war in Gaza with the intention of eliminating the Hamas terrorist group. Israel faced trouble in the early hours of Sunday when Iran attacked it with hundreds of missiles (Isreal Iran war). Iran carried out this attack in response to the attack on its embassy in Syria, which was largely unsuccessful. It is being said that Israel’s missile defense system ‘Iron Dome’ destroyed most of the missiles. What is Iron Dome after all?What is Iron Dome?), which is a protective shield (Iron Dome Features Like saving Israel.

What is Iron Dome?

Found on Rafale Advanced Defense System information According to , the Iron Dome defense system is designed to protect against short-range weapons. This defense system can work in every season. The Iron Dome system uses radar to track missiles. It can detect rockets that are likely to attack populated areas. Interceptor missiles are also fired only at those missiles which are going to fall in the population.

This missile defense system has been deployed at different places in Israel. Each system consists of three to four launchers, which can fire 20 interceptor missiles. According to the report, the fixed and mobile versions of Iron Dome have been made by Israel.

How effective is Iron Dome?

According to reports, Israel’s army claims that the success rate of Iron Dome is 90 percent. When Hamas attacked Israel last year, thousands of rockets were fired simultaneously from Gaza. Most of those rockets were foiled by Iron Dome, but some fell in populated areas and caused loss of life and property. If the Iron Dome system had not been in place, the attack on Israel would have been much more devastating.

This is how Iron Dome developed

In 2006, there was a fierce conflict between Israel and the terrorist group Hezbollah, in which many Israeli civilians were killed in missile attacks. After that Israel started work on the development of a new missile defense system. Iron Dome has been developed by Israeli firm Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. America has helped in this.

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