Taiwan is a small country in Asia, but beats the big ones with its technology. Its neighbor China considers Taiwan as its part and says that one day Taiwan will belong to it. To deal with this, Taiwan has followed the path of Israel. He also wants to strengthen himself with the air defense system. According to a report, Taiwan has successfully tested its new indigenous air defense system Land Sword 2, so that China’s plans can be thwarted.

What is Land Sword 2 System

Land Sword 2 is also called Sky Sword 2. It is a surface-to-air missile system like Israel’s Iron Dome. With the help of this system, Taiwan can destroy enemy missiles in a range of 15 kilometers. This system can locate its enemy in 360 degrees and destroy it. This missile system has been created by the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology.

How Land Sword 2 System Works

The Sky Sword system consists of an engagement control vehicle, a CSIST-I radar system, a launch vehicle and an ammunition vehicle. It can hit enemy missiles up to a range of 15 kilometers. With the help of this defense system, fixed-wing aircraft, rotary-wing aircraft, drones and cruise missiles can be detected.

of taipei times Report According to, this system can be combined with Stinger Man Portable Air Defense System and Avengers Air Defense System. The other two systems also strengthen Taiwan’s air defense. Land Sword 2 was to be tested on April 9. It was delayed by bad weather and testing took place on 15 April. During testing, the system successfully destroyed all the targets.

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