A Chinese man looted Rs 1400 crore from people in Gujarat by committing online fraud. He allegedly made 1200 people his victims in this scam. The person did this scam through a betting app called Dani Data. The person also came to India in 2020 and 2022. While sitting in China, he was running this online app scam in Patan and Banaskantha of Gujarat.

A big case of defrauding people of Rs 1400 crore through football betting app has come to light in Gujarat. from China via (TOI) A man named Woo Uyanbe was robbing people from a football betting app. He was running this scam in Gujarat along with his associates. Police say that the man looted Rs 1400 crore from 1200 people in 9 days. For this case, the police had formed a special investigation team which busted this scam.

This case was first reported to CID in June 2022. At that time, people associated with this scam were making people victims of robbery through Dani Data app in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. After this Agra Police started investigating this case. People associated with this scam were also found in North Gujarat. According to the report, the police said that the person committing the scam was in India between 2020 and 2022. He spent time in Patan and Banaskantha. There he met the local people of the area and tricked them into becoming rich.

After this the person along with his colleagues created an app. This app was developed in 2022 under the name Dani Data. This was a betting app on which people were lured to earn big money. The person started looting around Rs 200 crore every day from the people trapped in his trap. He was making people aged between 15 to 75 years his victims. CID targeted 9 people associated with the case, who were allegedly supporting Uyanbe in the scam.

Gujarat Police filed a case in this matter for the first time in August 2022. This was a case of fraud under the IT Act. But by that time the person had left India. Police say that the person is still sitting in China and is operating the scam in his surrounding areas. In which names like Hong Kong and Singapore are said to be included.

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