Earthquake alert on smartphone: Tech giant Google on Wednesday announced a new service for India. In a blog he told That it is launching Earthquake Alert System for Android users in India. This system is being introduced in consultation with the National Disaster Management Authority and the Ministry of Earth Sciences. With the help of the system, people will get alerts on their smartphones in case of earthquake.

When will the service start?

Google has said that this service will be started in India in the next few weeks. But earthquake alert will be received only in those smartphones which run on Android 5 or later Android versions.

use of this technique

To detect earthquakes, Google’s service takes the help of ‘accelerometer’ present in Android smartphones, which can work as a mini seismometer.

This is how technology works

The blog states that when a phone is plugged in and charging, it can detect the onset of an earthquake. If multiple phones detect an earthquake-like shaking at the same time, Google servers can use this information to predict whether an earthquake may occur. After this, by estimating the center and intensity of the earthquake, an alert can be sent to Android smartphones in that area.

Google says that Internet signals travel at the speed of light. In such a situation, earthquake alert often reaches the phone several seconds before serious tremors occur. Google also said that it is working with NDMA to provide information about natural disasters like floods and cyclones in Google Search and Maps.

The special thing is that Google’s earthquake alert system has already arrived in many countries.

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