Chinese plans have worried the whole world. Last month there was news that China is digging a 10 thousand meter deep pit in the earth’s surface. All this is being done to acquire natural gas reserves. Now a new report says that China has started drilling another pit of 10 thousand meters. The purpose of this drilling taking place in the south-west province of Sichuan is to search for large reserves of natural gas there.

South China Morning Post quoting news agency Xinhua wrote PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company has begun drilling for a well 10,520 meters (34,500 ft) deep in the Sichuan Basin. The name of this well is Shendi Chuanke-1.

Obtaining natural gas through this type of drilling is considered to be the most challenging technical task in the world. It is noteworthy that this will be the second deepest well or pit being dug in China. At the end of May, China started digging a 10,000 meter deep pit in the Tarim Basin area of ​​Xinjiang province.

However, some media reports said that China is making that crater to explore the earth’s surface. Through such projects, disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can be detected. However, if China finds reserves of natural gas after digging two big pits, it will be a big achievement for it. Since 2021, China has become the world’s fourth largest natural gas producer.

In the rapidly changing political scenario around the world, China’s concern is the availability of energy for itself.
Have to maintain. For the country’s development, China needs domestic oil and gas production on a large scale. With this purpose in mind, he has started digging two big pits in the earth.

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