All space agencies of the world use powerful rockets to launch their missions in space. Recently, Elon Musk’s space company ‘SpaceX’ tested the world’s heaviest rocket for the third time. But Chinese scientists are working in a new direction. Instead of heavy and powerful rockets, they are working on a huge electromagnetic launch track. With its help, an attempt will be made to launch a huge spaceplane of 50 tonnes, longer than the Boeing 737.

South China Morning Post Report According to this, this system is called ‘rail gun’. The design of the system is ready. With its help, hypersonic aircraft can be taken to speeds up to Mach 1.6, thereby achieving the target of sending the object into space.

Interestingly, China is not the first country to work on this project. In the year 1990, the American space agency NASA started work on it. But due to lack of funding and technical challenges, the project was stopped midway.

The US military later developed low-speed electromagnetic launch tracks to launch aircraft from aircraft carriers. This was an initial effort, which has faced technical problems. According to the report, the US Army has stopped most of the efforts to prepare an electromagnetic launch pad, but China is continuously working in this direction.

In the tests conducted so far, Chinese scientists have found that to eliminate the need for the first stage of the rocket, they need to increase the speed of the aircraft. If scientists are successful in their efforts, then spacecraft will be able to be sent into space with less fuel. This will save a lot of money.

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