Solar Storm: A big disaster occurred on Earth on Sunday, a day before Holi. Our planet got hit by the most powerful solar storm of the last 6 years. This caused a major disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field. Now US-based NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center has estimated that a geomagnetic storm has hit the Earth. Giving this information on social media platform X, NOAA said that this storm is weak, but active.

The post says that the geomagnetic storm of G3 category (moderate) is still active. Due to this, a minor storm may occur on Earth but there is no possibility of loss of life or property. Scientists who predict space weather also say that the explosion of a solar flare can disrupt radio transmission on Earth. Aurora can be seen in high altitude areas.

The special thing about this warning is that people do not need to panic in any way.

what are solar flares

Solar flares are created by the light and particles emitted when the Sun releases magnetic energy. These flares are the most powerful explosions ever seen in our solar system, releasing energy comparable to billions of hydrogen bombs.

what are solar winds

Solar wind originates from the Sun and flows in every direction. It helps in carrying the Sun’s magnetic field to space. These winds are much less dense than the winds blowing on Earth, but they have very high speed. You can also understand this that solar winds blow at a speed of more than 2 million kilometers per hour. It is made up of electrons and ionized atoms, which synchronize with the Sun’s magnetic field. The boundary where the solar winds flow forms the ‘heliosphere’. This is the most influencing area of ​​the Sun.

Remember that our Sun is going through its solar cycle and is in a very active phase. Because of this, flames are coming out from the Sun and due to their effect, solar storms are coming on the Earth. This trend is expected to continue till 2025.

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